Free Big Data Analytics Handbook

Ryan Swanstrom

Brian Liou from Leada was kind enough to provide a guest post about their latest handbook, The Data Analytics Handbook: Big Data Edition.

Data Analytics Handbook Data Analytics Handbook

Have you ever wondered what the deal was behind all the hype of “big data”? Well, so did we. In 2014, data science hit peak popularity, and as graduates with degrees in statistics, business, and computer science from UC Berkeley we found ourselves with a unique skill set that was in high demand. We recognized that as recent graduates, our foundational knowledge was purely theoretical; we lacked industry experience; we also realized that we were not alone in this predicament. And so, we sought out those who could supplement our knowledge, interviewing leaders, experts, and professionals – the giants in our industry. What began as a quest for the reality behind the buzzwords of “big data” and “data science,” The Data Analytics Handbook, quickly…

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